At the Corner Artisan Market
I will be vending on the 3rd Saturday of October (October 21st) from 11-5PM at the Artisan Market.
I will be vending on the 3rd Saturday of October (October 21st) from 11-5PM at the Artisan Market.
I will have a booth outside TJ’s on October 20th from 4-8PM.
I will be tabling at the underground market (basement) of Blast Off Vintage on Saturday, October 7th from 3-7PM.
I will be tabling with art for sale at a booth outside our house, just two blocks away (!) from Mt. Angel’s annual Oktoberfest. Come to Mt. Angel for the fest to try some local beers, listen to polka music, check out the official vendors, and wander over to my house to say hey!
Booth hours:
Thursday 9/14: 11:00AM - 9:00PM (my parter Matt there from 11-5, I’ll be there in the evening)
Friday 9/15: 11:00AM - 9:00PM (my parter Matt there from 11-5, I’ll be there in the evening)
Saturday 9/16: 10:00AM - 9:00PM
Sunday 9/17: 10:00AM - 8:00PM
I will have a vendor booth at the Cherry City Flea Market at the convention center in Salem, OR from 12 - 5PM on Sunday, August 27th. See more information on the official Cherry City Flea website.
I will have a booth with art for sale at the Aumsville Corn Festival from 10AM - 6PM. The festival will take place at Porter Boone Park in Aumsville.
I will have a vending booth set up outside of TJ’s on Broadway on August 18th from 4 - 8PM in Salem, OR.
I will have a booth with my art for sale at my 3,500-person-town’s Annual “City”-Wide Garage Sale — why not!
Friday 8/11: 9:00AM - 6:00PM
Saturday 8/12: 9:00AM - 6:00PM
I will be tabling at Blast Off Vintage in Salem, Oregon from 3-7PM, selling prints, paintings, and new installation works, and interactive velcro paintings!
Blast off Vintage’s Facebook Event.
I will be tabling and selling original paintings, prints, and new installation art from 6-9PM at the First Friday event in Silverton, Oregon.
Oregon Crafter’s Market website.